2010年11月9日 星期二

9/11/2010 (Tuesday) drizzle

Hmm.. Long time never update my blog. I can feel my blog is growing moss by the way. Lolz~

Just a little too busy these couples of week. The beginning of a trimester is always busy with a lot of stuffs. I haven't get myself into this Gamma second trimester. Yet, my first midterm test is just around the corner. Gosh.. What a headache thingy isn't it?

Wanted to start my revision now, but just don't have that mood. Sigh. =(

Again, there are A LOT OF stuffs waiting for me in week 6 and 7. Midterms, presentations, exam and etc. Once again, I can feel my shoulder is getting heavier with these stresses. Gotta trust myself, believe myself that I can go through them! *self-motivating*

It's not I don't have things to share with. Don't know how to express myself into words. Sometimes I feel so wordless to express and feel so emo. I know it's my fault that I cant even express well and cant blame on others who don't understand me. Another stress of mine.

It isn't an easy job in order to maintain a relationship, neither to improve. This is the conclusion I get after all. Both parties have to be fully confessed to each other and fully trust on each other in order to maintain it. I seldom express my feelings, although I'm talkative. =( I feel so uneasy to express them out from my heart. My mouth is just like so heavy to be opened. I fed up~!

There are problems underneath. Yet, I don't even know how to express them out. What an useless person am I. But, I know the problems are going to be solved, as long as we do not give up.

Feel so tired. Have to get enough sleep, before I can manage my emotions, moods, assignments, midterms, presentations and etc!!

~ No matter where life takes us, nothing can break us apart~

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