2009年12月8日 星期二

第二夜 半臉人

第二夜 半臉人



“恩,對的。恐怕這是我所知道的眾多故事里最詭异的了。甚至連敘述的我講起來都有些打顫。 我照例做著沒有目的地的旅行,但我一般都選擇比較偏僻的地方,你知道那里往往有很多奇怪有趣的故事。不過以前我都是听說而已,而這次我卻親身經歷了。















我終于把自己的眼睛對准了那個洞。光線不夠,看得不是很清楚。但我還是依稀看見一個身材高大的側影坐在床頭。估計他就是柱子。他像雕象一樣坐在哪里無動于衷。我突然產生了一种很 沖動的想法。如果我現在大喊一句我看見你了會怎么樣?


他果然有反應了,而且很劇烈。他抱著頭恐懼的在床上打滾。嘴里高喊著:“不要找我!我已經得到懲罰了!”看見他這樣我意識到情況不秒。緊接著他在床上不動了,仰面躺在床上, 成了一個大字形。




































凍死的? 現在是夏天啊!



“這附近有什么地方是很冷的么?冷到可以凍死人?”我問道。 “冷?”村長奇怪地看著我,這也難怪,不過他想了一下,居然告訴我 “有的,這里夏天有時候太熱了,我們就在后山開了一個冰窖,儲存了一些冰塊,怎么了?”

“馬上帶我去,快。”我用毋庸質疑的口气說到。村長只好帶著我過去,雖然他顯的很詫异。 我們很快來到了那個后山的冰窖。說是冰窖,其實不過是個地下室罷了。估計以前是用來存菜的。不過光靠近就覺得有點冷了。

村長在我的央求下打開了冰窖。我和他走了進去。果然,我靠著直覺找到了我要找的東西,不,因該說是人,或許准确的說因該是尸体。 這具尸体不是柱子的,而且很奇怪,這個的穿著不像是村子里的人,到很像是城市來的,他穿著還蠻考究的,看樣子應該是凍死的,因為他還保持著蜷縮的狀態。而且,這具尸体沒有臉。







































2009年11月24日 星期二

What can I do??

I haven't slept at all in days
It's been so long since we've talked
And I have been here many times
I just don't know what I'm doing wrong
What can I do to make you love me
What can I do to make you care
What can I say to make you feel this
What can I do to get you there
There's only so much I can take
And I just got to let it go
And who knows I might feel better
If I don't try and I don't hope
What can I do to make you love me
What can I do to make you care
What can I say to make you feel this
What can I do to get you there
No more waiting, No more aching No more fighting, No more trying
Maybe there's nothing more to say
And in a funny way I'm calm
Because the power is not mine
I'm just gonna let it fly
What can I do to make you love me
What can I do to make you care
What can I say to make you feel this
What can I do to get you there

Love me...

2009年11月1日 星期日


第一夜 食指










沒過多久,秀果然再次發胖,一切仿佛回到從前。她再次淪為一個農婦。她怨恨命運的玩弄。只有民暗暗發笑。表面上卻和她一邊抱怨一邊安慰她。 日子如同織衣的梭子,在重复的穿梭。一晃十几年過去。秀也生育了几個小孩。她也不在做夢了。安心和民過著日子。一直到他們的女儿月儿的長大。









`難怪后來你每次見到我都那么好心幫我修指甲。'秀語气怪怪的說。民覺得有些尷尬。摸著妻子的臉,`我這不還是因為喜歡你么。' `算了,我也不生气了,明天你就施這個術,赶快讓月儿瘦下來。' 民點了點頭,夫婦倆又安心睡下了。 果然,沒過多久,月儿果然瘦了下來而且是十里八鄉瘦的最漂亮最精神的。鄰里都夸民和秀養了這么一個好女儿,肯定可以嫁一個好人家。夫妻二人听了笑的合不了嘴。

但事情很不湊巧,當地最大的一戶財主要找儿媳婦。這個財主就是前面提過的儿媳婦的体重腰圍都精确到最小單位的那种人。秀當然讓女儿去試試了。可惜就差那么一點。而且月儿已經是最輕的了。財主放出話,在過一星期沒人合格的話,就去外地找了。秀一心想讓女儿嫁進去。就逼民再次施法。民無奈的說:`你听過神行太保戴宗么?其實像那种術也是有不同程度的。据說有一位信使在送信的時候耽誤了時間。怕被責罵,一位好新的茅山術士教他以銀針刺腳底,忍住痛,放出雜血。可以日行三百,夜行三百。果然如實。后來信使再次向術士討教跑的更快的辦法。術士說,只要將雙腿膝蓋骨挖去,可以日夜行兩千里。結果信使嚇跑了。' `你和我說這個干什么?'秀奇怪的問。 `我是想告訴你,如果你還想讓月儿瘦下去的話,所付出的就不是指甲了。'民擔憂地說。秀沉默許久,最后還是要堅持讓月儿一定要進那個有錢人家的豪門。民問了女儿的意見,月儿自然想母親高興,家里擺脫貧困,一口答應了。民呦不過二人。不過這次需要的是月儿必須吃掉自己的食指!




民告訴秀,法術一旦被救,身体就會像積壓很久的彈簧猛的反彈,而且做月子的時候營養丰富,就是普通人也容易胖啊。 `我不管,這樣下去我們一家人都沒辦法在這里立足了,而且我的外孫,秀的儿子也見不到了,你忍心啊?' 民抓著頭,望著在一旁哭的淚人似的女儿和老婆,終于艱難的說到;`這個術還是可以在做一次的。但是……' `不要但是了,能救女儿我付出什么都可以的。'秀哭著求民,月儿也跪在地上求父親。 `我不知道會有什么后果,因為就算是祖輩們也從未這樣一而再,再而三的施法,他們再三告戒后人,用多了術是會遭天譴的。' `說不定只是那個道士嚇唬你們啊,你也說沒人用過,你又怎么知道會遭到天譴呢?'秀反問道。





据說,茅山術本身就是一种驅鬼和轉嫁的法術。比如施術的人可以把別人家的肉或者食物變到自己手中,也可以讓自己的傷痛轉移到他人身上。估計這個術也是將本來在自己身上的肥胖轉移到別人身上。但凡是術總有自損的一面。民一再施術終于遭受到報應,可惜還是報應到自己家人身上。至于月儿的慘死。其實是術的反噬。在佛教中六道之中有一种鬼是餓死鬼,他們很小,如螞蟻一般,但數量眾多。他們生前飢餓,死后化為鬼會吃掉一切東西。食指是人食欲的象征。吃掉自己的食指其實就是与餓死鬼達成了契約。它們會幫你吃掉你不想要的那些討厭的脂肪和肥肉。但一旦契約無法控制或者過量,它們就會把你整個人也吞掉。” 朋友說到這里,湊過來對我低聲說道:“當我听完這個老人說的故事,我也忍不住撫摩著我自己的食指,我想,難道真吃掉自己的食指就能變瘦了?正當我疑惑的時候,老人笑了笑起身而去。我注意到他的一只手上只有四個指頭,唯獨少了那跟食指。我后來四出打听,旁里的人都說不認識老人,說老人好象是解放后才來的,大家都叫他民伯。”

我听的張著嘴不說話。我也如朋友一樣輕撫自己的食指,腦海里忽然想起了前些日子看到的螞蟻群。忽然感到一陣發麻。朋友看我發呆,笑得猛拍一下我的肩膀,“不用擔心了,有些東西就有就是有,沒有就是沒有,不應該靠人力強求的。” “那也不一定啊,事在人為啊,你不要惟命運論啦。”我也笑著反駁。

朋友望了望我,“那你听說過半臉的故事么?” “沒有。”我朝他望去,他的臉上突然帶著几絲詭异,那臉仿佛似泥塑的一樣。 “算了,明天講吧,你看太陽都出來了。”朋友突然恢复了常態,指了指窗外的太陽。我也只好壓抑下自己的好奇,先去睡了。等晚上再繼續。

As what i had promised last month, i will upload some myterious story twice per week, start from november. really have a lot to share, but i got no mood to write it out, for this moment. so plan to postpone to few days later. a busy semester..

wish = pass through all matters smoothly

2009年9月22日 星期二

finally i can blogging.

It is so irritating these few days. Just because of my thinking and hands, wish to switch the computer on and blogging. *ish*

Finally i can blog, the first thing i want to write, of course, is about my besty's birthday. It had been so long time i planned for it, hard to plan it too. @,@"

Present, i knew she had a wanted list in her blog. After surveying for the prices of the listed items, i thought, the most suitable thing is a pair of white speaker. u know why? because we had an IT fair in our campus, what a coincident! I geh si geh si asked her about the speaker type that she wished to buy. and i "scanned" a very very cute pinky speaker. asked about her opinion, who knows she said not nice, not cute, dont want it. *ish* ok, fine. found another speaker, slightly costly. but it was considered quite cheap already since the IT fair. decided to buy it, had to find a reasonable excuse. hmm... yvonne is the best choice to take this speaker back home. because me and van had speakers already, chinn is impossible to buy such a big speaker though. ah moo was not there, so the best choice, still yvonne.

-present matter settled-

How to celebrate??

i knew, she loves surprises. (everybody does) while we were planning, we made a mistake. made our lovely mei mei so emo and antisocial somemore. we were so nervous, but at last planned not to let her know. just let it be. who knows, she became to normal mode in the evening class. *phiew~* however, we used the time that she emo, to discuss about her party celebration. planned to have 2 celebrations for her.

plan 1: saturday (5/9/09) after business plan competition, we go to DreamBox sing k, after that take sticker photo, then go to MP sibaraku to eat dinner buffet. after buffet will go to Baskin Robbin to celebrate. everything was planned so nice. but, in a sudden, van had to celebrate her mom's birthday as well, she was going to Bangkok in the early morning of saturday. *swt*

changed plan to : eat sibaraku in MP on friday - the day before business plan competition- then straight away celebrate the birthday in Baskin Robbin - for more information of photos, kindly log on to meimei's facebook- (everything was decided in a hurry, hope meimei wont so mind about it)

plan 2: planned to celebrate in the cafe that she wished to go long time ago - xuan cafe-
the first thing i have to do is : invite as many people as i could.
i managed to invite quite a lot of people to attend this party, thank God! (although there was quite a lot of problems occured at that time) all the problems settled, but still left out - the activities to be going through during the party. @,@"

overall, the party was great. just that yvonne put us aeroplane in the very last minute.=.="

and too, they pushed me to do the job that i felt so paiseh to do it. T-T (heartless friends)
collect the $$... sigh.. T_T

Lastly, i really hope that meimei enjoyed her celebrations. it may have some problems occurred. hope u wont mind. ^^

-friends forever-

all the best in our final!!! fighting!

p.s. : hey, what about mine har?! dont forget my present!!! hahahaha!!! kidding la! happy holiday~

2009年9月10日 星期四

Ur smart attire..

U know what.. i fall for ur attire today. U are wearing so smart.. I was like, cant control my eyes to look at u.. but the pity thing is, i just can look at u in a very very short time..

I'm wondering.. why do u always sit at the back but not in front anymore? I'm wondering, can u listen to what the lecturers had taught? cant sit at the back, it's bad for my studies.. I know that.. but why dont u?

I'm just very very loving ur attire today.. wish to see this style of u, everyday.. ^,^

Wish to know what is ur car number plate.. so that i can park beside urs.. lolz.. just kinda kidding..

**i'm planning.. still planning.. hope i can be succeed.. wish me luck..

2009年7月12日 星期日

today and tonight

hmm.. today is the day to give answer.. but he didnt contact me yet.. so i'm waiting..

told my family about this thing yesterday night.. =.=

they were more excited than me.. i also dont understand why.. my dad analysed everything out..

so the main reason they thought about is, this is a distance love, hard to maintain.. -i had the same idea too-

whatever, he wont do anything probably.. so tell him also useless.. sigh.. i understood the reason, though it's hard to be accepted..

suak la.. this kinda thing, just follow the fate.. it makes me so troublesome and headache.. let's enjoy the single life.. yes, i rather enjoy single..

today went to jusco.. my mom wanted to buy red wine.. coz it's going to have a party to celebrate my sister's engagement.. decided to call along my friends to my house.. but then it's too bad luck.. the part is on 25th of july, but 27th of july is my first midterm test.. nobody will attend.. so just let it be.. @.@"

then i bought "salonpas" for my friend, "the rock".. haha!

she told me that her shoulder is pain yesterday.. so i bought this for her lo.. hope can help to relief pain.. coz heard my sister said, "salonpas" is good to relief pain..

tonight will be a lazy night.. lazy to do assignment, lazy to do homework.. sigh.. i am a lazy girl~~ >.<"

yesterday, today and tomorrow..

sigh.. today morning received a call from somebody, said that the party that will be held on sunday is cancelled. i sms to jessy to confirm about this, she gave me a reason : bbq party will make people get sick easily in this time..and no other plan can replace this party event..so cancelled.. -zha dou-

today is just busy sent pictures to friends~ took a lot of nice photos.. yesterday was an super memorable and enjoyable day for us, ji mui~ -lazy to upload photos dy.. >.< -

today.. it is also a very shock and surprising day.. somebody confessed to me.. in fact, i expected he will confess, but not now.. we both knew that it is not the right timing for us to have a further our relationship.. how can u want me to maintain a distance love, by using my first love.. once i think about this, i will be depressed, so kesian neh!!!

confessed using sms, so chicken la u! lolz.. but it's ok.. we are still besties..i am still ur loyal listener.. we can still share our things with each other.. i just want us to have more time to know each other, to learn more.. me and u, just knew for 1 year.. not even 1 year.. it is out of my expectation..

u had told me before, u dont want me to have a high expectation on u.. i know, i understand.. but now u are the one who is not understand it, obviously.. if i accepted, u have more responsibilities and burdens to bear with.. can u? we both are beginners, we have to go through and overcome a lot of problems.. it needs patience and time to do so.. can i? am i able to do so? the answer for both of the questions is no.. u are just followed feelings.. it will spoil everything, including our relationship as besties..

u know what.. from besties to couples, it is very easy.. really easy.. but everything has to change.. it has good and bad sides.. so, why dont we both give more time for us.. isn't it good? isn't it the thing that u wanted since long time ago? please.. dont spoil our friendship..

so, u asked me to give u an answer to u tomorrow.. answer is obviously shown.. hope u will understand and accept the current situation we having now.. that will be good and relief.. =)

2009年7月9日 星期四

this and that~

hmm.. i want to write this blog, though it has nothing for me to write about. think of these few weeks, what had i did? er.. probably nothing.
i had joined few clubs and societies. joined their sub-comm as well. hope that i can cope with these tasks. no choice, SAPS points are tempted..
as usual, busy with tutorials, assignments, quizzes and homework. @.@"
how badly i wish i'm working now. so that i wont have to face this kinda stupid things.

tomorrow will be a happy day to me. (hopefully)
the planning which i had planned since last year (=.="), at last, finally, have come true~ my friends and i, are going to ZOO melaka tomorrow!!! haha!i know some of them might not like to go to zoo. because it is dirty, smelly and the weather is torturing too. hehe.. though they are still willing to go with me~ how good u all.. love u all~

after that, we will go to DP.. plan to take photos.. those with "big head" one..
-hard praying-
hope tomorrow will be a nice weather~

LOLz.. today just played a test. "when will u get ur next boyfriend/girlfriend"
the result shows that i will never get a next boyfriend.
but i dont have boyfriend currently.. shit.. that means i will single in my life.. T_T
sigh.. what a life i'm having now..
but i know, this kinda thing is fated. maybe i need to wait for the Mr Right.. (consoling myself)..
maybe.. haizz.. suak la.. dont care about this thing dy.. dont have ma dont have lo.. it's nothing so big deal wat!! blek..

going to celebrate zhu gay fan and ji fan's birthday this coming sunday.. jifan doesnt know that we are going to celebrate her birthday as well.. lol.. we are planned to give her a surprise.. havent choose the present for her yet. @.@"
totally have no idea for the present.
heard that they had invited many people to come for the BBQ party.
probably, i will be sitting in front of the BBQ boat, isolated from people.. haizz.. what to do? this is me..
somebody is invited also. but geh si geh si doesnt want to come.. keep asking me whether want somebody to come. just decide yourself la. dont ask me. i am lose thinking power of making decision. so long never make decision dy. so dont ask me.

just now told me that somebody wont come.. do u think that i will sad for u? no, u are wrong, totally. this is non of my business. it's up to u whether u want to come. i still can enjoy myself. no worries.

in fact, i have to tell u that, u are actually still care for M. just admit it. but u dont want, and deny. haizz.. maybe u urself dont know this thing yet. since u are denied, so i dont have the responsibility to let u know. non of my business dy.. ^.^
one more thing.. u denied, it's ok.. but u are talked so bad words about her. it;s really unacceptable. i was so surprised! how could u say a girl until like that. explained to u, but u rejected my explanation.
felt so disappointed to u.. u're not respecting girls. how worse are u!the most basic thing, but u dont know, keep denying, keep rejecting others' explanation.
that's why.. u are not worth and not deserved to have any girl beside u. so sucks!
if u continue with such attitude, u will bear the consequences urself.. sigh...

2009年6月23日 星期二

a post..

it had been 2 months i didnt update my blog. i know it has nobody to read my blog. but for my own responsibility, i feel that i must update the blog. i treat it as my diary,although i didnt update it daily. but still, i want to write out my feelings. if not, i will be mad. whenever i want to share my feelings, i find no one to share with. it's embarrassed. i know.
it's ok. i think i will cope with this very well.

first sem in degree.. it's kinda busy. it's normal, i know. but still, i want to complain!! MMU system really not that efficient and effective. but i have to cope with this too. why? because i dare not to complain in formal way.. chicken..
however, if compared to USM, i think MMU system is good enough for us, students, to use it. just bear with it in this 4 years.

recently, i found that i had lost. lost in many aspects. ex-classmates are graduated from matriculation and going to enter local U. heard one of them is going to study overseas. same course with me. but duration is only 3 years. i started to worry, and suspect about my university and my course. is that the correct course i had take for my entire life? is that the correct university to study this course? i dont know. i'm confused. they will graduate earlier than me, 1 year. but salary still the same. that means, in other words, i'll waste up 1 year in MMU.
yes, i know. my "gia su" gene is come again.. it's lost of control again. sigh..

it's going to be very busy. i think i'm crazy, but the more crazy thing is, i pulled my friends together with me, to crazy together. sorry guys, if this sem u all feel reall tough to go through. i had no choice. sweetness comes after bitter. it always like that. this sem is the bitter time. hope we can taste the sweetness after that.

frankly, after u went to cyber, the thing that is unforgettable is when u can accompany me. do whatever thing i want to do. this is the only thing i miss about. whenever it is lunch or dinner time, i'm alone, if my friends didn't eat with me. take away the food and eat at home, is lonely. yes, lonely, nothing more than that. i finally know what's my sister's feeling. she hate eating at home. because of this, i always ask or even force my friends to eat with me.hope they can forgive me.

today home alone again. it's a better night for me to think over something.
i'm tired. tiring in maintaining the relationship between u and me. even friendship. i don't know what should i tell u, i dont know what should i do for u, i even dont know how to face u. yes, i'm hiding again. really dont feel like facing the problems. i dont know how to tell u what are the problems. maybe they had retained many months ago. just that we didnt realise the problems. u know, ur over suspicious and think too much had made me felt unbreathable. they made me so tiring.everybody also says that u are good. u treat me so gentle.
they might be correct. sometimes u are good, when ur mood is good. but when ur mood is bad, i totally dont know what should i do. i'm suffering.
i can guarantee that u dont know this thing.
this few weeks, what u had done is calling, keep on calling me. it's so torturing. i told u i'm busy. but u were "pek cek" there. what u want me to do?! i picked up ur phone, but u were talking rubbish and wasting my time.
it's enough. maybe we shouldn't be besties. we both dont deserve this relationship. what if we are just strangers.. so that we can have separate life.we dont disturb each other. so good..
agree? we just stepped back to strangers stage. so that i wont be so suffering, dont know how to face in front of u..

2009年4月19日 星期日

an enjoyable and memorable moment..

These few days are in a super relaxing mode.. because last few weeks were busy with the presentations.. business project.. damn stressful.. always in moody.. so i totally relaxed myself in these few days..

first day,we went to swim.. in ixora.. most of our rice tong members were arrived.. had a really enjoyable moment with them.. and refreshed.. i had been months never exercise.. body became fatter.. aikzz.. we "throw" our members one by one to the swimming pool.. cool~ it's very funny.. but we made one of our member cried.. sorry oh.. because she doesn't know how to swim.. and that was the first time she went to the pool.. no heart la us~ lol.. after that we planned to eat dinner together.. but i put aeroplane.. because last few days also felt sick.. then period is coming soon.. not feeling well.. my parents "da bao" for me.. so i thought it's better for me to eat at home.. in case i'm in a serious pain..

second day, i went to chinese orchestra event.. IT IS ABSOLUTELY COOL!!!! i love orchestra so much.. but dont have the chance to watch it.. now, when i watched it, i felt very enjoyed.. really really!!i wanna learn flute~ hope i have the effort and chance to learn it.. (praying..)

the last day, i went to sing k with my rice tong group members.. but blood rice didnt attend.. too bad.. we sing and sing and sing.. sing for 5 hours!!! gosh.. after that, initially was decided to watch a movie before going back home.. but then majority said wanna shopping.. so we went for shopping.. but me, chashao rice and rurou rice went to play games with aaron, cow rice and roger.. it's kinda fun there.. after that zhu gay rice said wanna play bowling.. and we didnt feel like going other places.. so accompanied them and sat at there.. waiting they all came back from crazy shopping..

i realised that.. i like the way when i'm be with u.. i fall in love with that kinda way when we are together.. sigh.. now only i realised.. it's totally too late.. if possible, i hope that i can never realise this feeling.. kept it in the deepest place in my heart.. dont try to think about it.. isnt it a best way for us? yeah, i guess it is..
sometimes, we have to be selfish.. so i understood ur feeling.. it is just a way that we wont suffer together in future.. but i really cannot bear with this suffering situation.. one more month.. i feel like crying out loudly.. sigh.. tell nobody about my feelings.. suffering..

me~ rurou rice~ chashao rice~

the rice tong~

we are Rice Tong~

2009年2月25日 星期三

super unlucky day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

u know why am i saying like that? these are the evidences!!! what the hell!
firstly, today i am supposed to see the supplier which is the sixth time i had been found him.. but ended up he was not there!! damn!!! so angry! if he has supplied for another group then just inform us la? dont let us waiting and keep going to the place to find him ma.. any feel of responsibility also dont have! hate!

secondly, me and jiamei went to the baba nasi lemak there to ask for catering.. but then the boss told us that he is busy.. wont do catering.. what the hell! ok, fine.. but the nasi campur is superb!!
too bad he cant supply us.. if not sure earn profits!

the last but not least, my purse had been stolen!!!! shit! @#%&#@
i knew that it is my fault.. i shouldnt leave my purse in my bag.. security department also advised us not to leave expensive belongings in the shelf.. i had a uncomfortable feeling today. it seems like something is going to happen. i thought it is car accident. mana tau is lost purse.. sienzz.. once i saw my bag, i know something had happened. ya, i am right. my purse is lost. jiamei didnt believe and help me to search again. she asked me why i didnt have any expression on my face. sigh.. what kinda expression should i have? cry out loud? it is in public la.. i should keep my image. laugh out loud? i guess people will think i'm crazy.. calling to my mom and my dad.. my mom was shock and panic.. then ask me to call my dad.. i called my dad, he is much more calm as compared to my mom.sigh...

dont know how am i going back home. the only thing i know is go to my sis's room.. once my sis had opened the door, i started to cry.. (sobbing there while telling my sis what had happened) my sis lent me a RM50 note..
thank god nothing important inside my purse.. my IC is time for me to change it. my license can renew. my membership cards!! gone.. whatever..
my money!!! i just withdraw my money out few days ago.. sigh.. hope the thief will not use my money in my ATM.. i pray sincerely to god..

2009年2月20日 星期五

social work..

hah! we had done our social work today!!! hurray!!!(i feel like dancing around..)

haha.. i'm sweeping the leaves..

before this.. we had quite worried about it because of the approval problem.. we straight went there this morning, without receiving the approval letter from that particular charity organisation.. cool~

tired..rest for awhile first..

i woke up vy early today.. sleepy nia!! but still have to wake up.. sienzz.. then just ate 3 slides of bread.. one group of us, 2 cars.. people included are siew chinn (our project leader), me (one of the driver), shuhan, jiamei, jiajia, shiehying, yongann(another driver) and also yongkang(photograpgher).

really vy happy today.. although i'm sweeping the leaves all the time.. shoulder muscle pain.. T_T


then we have lunch at newton.. i ate a lot of food!!! i need energy!! lol.. after that we went for carrefour to buy something to the charity as a donation.. bought meehoon, rice, condensed milk, milo, biscuits, and also oyster sauce(what? i wondered why they want this thing..)..then we went back to the building again.. and interact with the children who are having tuition there..

taking photo with Ms Molly

i had having a lot of fun with all of u guys~~

jiamei, dont always bully yongkang la.. he will let u bully is because he is so good.. haha..

2009年2月19日 星期四

just dont simply promise me about anything..

why everytime when i need u, u will not around?
i'm nearly fed up with this kinda situation.. everytime i need u to be with me, by my side, u will not around.. fated? if it is, i will have nothing to talk about it..
helpless.. u wont know that kinda feeling..
if u are not able to do that thing, just dont promise me. i dont want everytime after u promised me, but u cannot do it. it will just make me feel disappointed.it is not everytime that i am able to console myself by saying that u are really busy with ur stuffs..
just dont promise me anything beyond ur strength. u will only destroy my trust on u..
really very sad and disappointed.
u are busy recently.. i know that..
i shouldnt blame on u.. i know that..
just cant control myself only.. maybe after that i will be better..hopefully..
wanted to talk to u..but i'm not brave enough.. just can write down my feelings here.. but i know u wont be able to see it..
u know why? it is simply because, u are not really understand about me.. so how can i consider u as a member of my family? although i had never been considered u as my family member.. dont blame me, because u are not, from past, now and future..

u said u want to bring me along to attend the dinner with LJ.. please la?! if i go, everybody will know what's that mean, except u.. sigh.. why dont u just care a little bit about my feeling?! do u really know that ur mui is not good in english speaking?! i'll only talk nothing and sit alone there..dont u ever think about this?! i nearly get mad about this matter! sigh.. speechless..

2009年2月18日 星期三

week 3

haizz.. these few weeks busy with my stuffs..discussions..assignments.. i seem like had a lot of things to do but the thing is, i dont know what to do.. my brain is out of function..mayb i didnt get enough sleep. this tuesday, skip 2 classes.. the first class i skipped is because i wan to meet the supplier with my friend.. second class i skipped is because i wanted to register my course in beta level. our action had been noticed, and the lecturer cancelled off our attendance. i had made my friends in trouble. sorry, really vy sorry, i didnt know about this. teach u all becoming bad students. sorry about it.

drama, my friend and i had done a script of the drama.. they all read it and our script had chosen! should i feel happy? it's expected. they all just copy and paste, surely ours will be chosen. sigh.. havent start to practise yet.. hopefully, it will be done smoothly.i hope, i pray.. sincerely..

business management presentation.. i had think of an interesting way to present. but i have to work harder to practise more.. fainted.. jiamei! u have to teach me ar... i'm in a big trouble now..i trust in u.. lol.. i will work harder! let's keep our good reputation as "the best group" together!hope this time we can maintain our reputation..

the moral social work.. really vy sad.. we had email to the director.. but she hasnt reply us.. confused.. T_T hope i can do this social work within this week.. next few weeks will be vy busy..

that fella promised me wants to perform to me, finally he kept his promise and perform his "er hu" to me.. pretty good.. enjoyed in it.. i did not tell him that his performance was good. i know he knew himself. and he is boasted enough to know his ability..
he is the first guy that i had no idea on him! have u ever see a boy is whacking a gal?! he has no gentleman sense la!! next time i should fight back! he has a "pig hand" and "horse foot".. damn pain la! shit..
today that fella is sad. u know why? because his friends all are bullying him by saying he falls in love in me.. lol.. for me, it is really a small matter. coz in secondary school, we used to "talk rubbish".. so i have the antibody dy. cant blame on that fella la, he is from boy's school. never face this situation before. but i really super swt when he told me what is happening. ok, normally, in this kinda situation, i think the gal should be the one who feels sad rite? reputation spoilt, "market" no more etc. but now mine and his position had turn the other way round. god! sienzz..
always said dont want others misunderstand us. hey, stupiak! the actions u did, ALL also will make people misunderstand us la! haizz.. when comes to this thing, i always will feel that i'm dealing with a 3 years old boy. so "clean" in his mind.. dont know how to communicate with him.

i cant do anything. if not he will like a kid. _-_
whatever la.. just censor those things that i dont want to hear, dont want to see.. ur fault! sigh... sometimes i really feel like open ur brain, and see what's inside.. pek cek..

2009年2月10日 星期二



2009年2月4日 星期三

a headache sem..

sigh.. super moody.. many assignments.. have to find group members.. luckily most of them are 6 ppl in one group.. business project needs 12 ppl in one group.. last couple days i was so scare and panic.. my heart almost cant afford it..
i felt so angry and disappointed.. i thought that "someone" should be join my group.. i thought he had promised me since last sem? although i didnt put so much expectation on him.. but he should know about my situation now isn't it? ok, fine.. he joint others.. when i got to know this news, i cant even control my feeling well.. straight away sign out msn.. off my phone.. sat on my chair doing nothing.. idle there.. for a very very long time.. somemore in that afternoon, i felt myself was neglected.. this is not a good situation for me.. i dont like that kinda feeling.. feel like telling somebody else about my feelings.. but nobody's there.. ok, fine..
but, luckily.. the day after that day, we have grouped.. suddenly felt that my feelings are balanced.. if not, i will get mad..
the most headache thing.. my english drama.. both of us were neglected, once again.. i was trying so hard to calm myself down..i hate ppl break their promise.. i hate to listen to "sorry" this word.. sigh.. but what to do? i'm not police so i cant catch anyone of them.. i'm not god so i cant make anyone of them die straight in front of me.. what i have to do is searching group members.. finally, we found two indian gals.. god bless me.. hope that the are not that kinda lazy ppl.. marks for this drama are high!! i dont want to lose marks.. i dont want blackies to join us.. really dont want.. arh!!!
actually, i wanted to be the group leader for business project.. but i think nobod will agree with me.. i scare myself cant handle it.. so i just kept quiet.. let fate to choose for us.. i'm not the group leader of course.. fated.. nothing much i can say.. so i decided to do the accounting group leader.. erm.. it's kinda easy job.. by the way, i have to do from the basic.. i have many sem to go through.. so it must have a chance for me to be the group leader.. ^^
sorry, jia mei.. i know u will feel headache while handling us this gang.. but we will do our best!! and help u whenever u ar in need..
and thank you.. lucky to have u in pm08.. if not i sure died over there.. everything also needs u to initiate it.. sorry about that.. one sem only!! the next sem we can be together with the rest of the gang~
everything will be alright.. will be ok.. dont feel so stress.. sigh..

2009年2月2日 星期一

what the heck of it..

i told u dy.. u dont believe it. now u see.. what's ur feeling now? sad? disappoint? frustrated? or feel like dying?
told u many many many times.. it had been a thousand times i told u, i remind u.. but at last? all are the same effect.. what for?
humans are not trustable! they are untrustable. how many times i need to remind u? keep trusting people.. keep giving people chances to hurt u.. then? heart break? is that vy meaningful
for u?
dont put so high expectation on people. people ma on meet ur expectations. so, dont give chances to urself to expect other people can do well.
ok, u will ask, how about his/her promises? i know promises really mean a lot to u.. i also knew that nobody cares about ur feelings.. but so what?! they dont bother or care u, that's their business. dont too mind about what are others thinking on u. please la? relax gal.. people who do not keep their promises on u, are those who u need not to care to. u know the reason..
it is not a big deal!alone ma alone lo.. i rather to have few besties..