haha.. now only i realised that, actually, guys in love will be very stupid. somehow, they will do something considered stupid by girls. moreover, i think that girls will be very kesian, if they met this kinda guys. stupid guys..sigh.. (thanks meimei for telling me this. ^^)
so, i am thinking that, if continue like that, dont know when is my that gorgor will get a girlfriend. pretty worry about it.
my gorgor? haizz.. sucks la. always do something ridiculuos. somemore without the notice of the girl. pity pity..everyday seems to be very smart, but when comes to this kinda problem, his reaction is just like a boy with his first love. feel shy somemore. i one time slap to let u fly! this called guy ar?! (haizz.. i feel like banging the wall..)
how i know he falls for the girl? i got my way to know it~
just because that girl is my besties lo. i'm started to think that is it he wants me to be his mui just because of that girl. lol..hmm.. the possibility quite big. but so what? i got a "kind" and "scary" gorgor~ somemore can bully him.
haizz.. but i will feel sorry to him la if i never do anything for him. lol..
hmm.. tell that girl about his? that's a good idea. but dont know whether my gorgor will kill me later on or not. and the problem is, if that girl knows about this thing, will she dont want to talk to him forever? the possibility also quite high. i know her very well.
ermm.. then ask my gorgor to be confessed to her? omg.. dont do that. i will be crazy, not him. he will scold me for a couple of weeks. dont.. dont.. never do this.
errr.. then.. just let it be?
har.. dont want dont want. or.. be friends first? but i dont think that girl will go yum cha with us lo. later teased by her.. even worse.. then how?
haizz.. stupid la gorgor! just be confessed la! dont bother any other thing! u have to believe that the power of love is the strongest wat! so lame la u..
okok.. i know the reason. but u can create some miracles right? left one semester only. there is an oppoturnity for u, dont miss it! or else u go back ur hometown eat urself!
if u dare to scold me even once, u will know the impact. well, i assumed that u knew it.
that's why i said u lame! i said u lame then u are lame! no more excuses! make me worry for such a long time. u shouldn't let this thing happened. oh my god, my dark eyes circle..my eye bags.. getting worse..
yes, is ur fault. admit it~ (if u dont admit, i will whack u!)
just go on! be ur mui, i surely stand by ur side one.. need not to worry k?haha..
hey! why i am the one who are worried about this thing?! -.-
hng.. dont care already. i want to prepare for my final!! blek! >.<
2008年12月29日 星期一
張貼者: weesan^^ 於 凌晨2:022008年12月24日 星期三
張貼者: weesan^^ 於 凌晨1:23怎么了..怎么我觉得今天的夜晚特别孤单..呵..就像此刻的我..既无助又无奈..
一些事情..我没说,并不代表我不懂..我不说,是因为你没说..你没说,是因为不想让我担心..所以..我不能再让你担心了..你要忙的东西已经够多了..不是吗?我们会留下美好的回忆..足够我们用一辈子来回忆..我们.. .. 会是好朋友的..虽然不是最好的..却已心满意足.. 再一次.. 很高兴认识你..
2008年12月21日 星期日
張貼者: weesan^^ 於 晚上8:48唉..每次写部落格都会隔段很久的时间.. 对不起啦.. 因为我一想到要把自己所想的事情写出来就觉得别扭的说..而且啊..我的感觉都是"非笔墨能形容"的..为什么啊? 因为就算我的感觉已经多到满出来..还是不会表达到我所要的..(郁闷啊....)
曾经的一切让我失去了信任的勇气..常常把自己锁在自己的城墙内..形成自我保护的屏幕..把自己保护的好好的.. 活在只有自己的世界里..当我想再次打开自己的城门时,才发现自己已不能和陌生人沟通..一旦陌生人靠近,自己会很自然的以一副没有表情的脸示人..和陌生人交谈,身体会不自觉的颤抖..
会的..一切会好转的..对不对? ....