2010年8月10日 星期二

10/8/2010 (Tuesday) night time, scary Ghost month

It's me again. Today is my dad's birthday. Happy birthday to our Lion King~ ^^ Love you forever~

Today I went for blood donation. No joke, I love to donate blood. It's just simply because it can help to detox me. XD
Okay Okay. Blood donation is good overall. But, I hate the feeling of "fainting" and my world is "spinning" around. I had donated 350 c.c. Pretty good huh.. I still can feel my head so "heavy".
Slept very late all these weeks. Should have donate, or in other words, have to let go some of the unhealthy blood from my body. So that my body can produce new blood and refresh myself.
After donating blood, no doubt, brain will be lagging, can't really process well. My friend accidentally pour the milo given to my trousers. And the worst is that, both of us were lagging, only realized what was going round after 5 seconds. My jeans was wet. LOL! So lagging us~

I told you to donate blood today, you said you didn't see my message immediately, can't support us.
I told you my head is heavy and fainting, you asked me who else was donating.
I told you me and my friend 2 people only, you asked me to take care her.

For the very first time, I so don't feel like replying you, don't feel like bothering you, don't feel like caring anything about you.
Why you just can't get out of my mind.
Why will my emotion can only affected by you? I'm so disappointed on myself. I can't find the original me anymore. The real one.. It is just disappeared.

~If you could understand me~

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